Modern Dating: More than meets the eye Aug 20th, 2016   [viewed 21 times]

      I really disliked all the tech gizmos and gadgets when I was growing up. Smartphones, computers and tablets really didn’t interest me. I sure as hell didn’t care about talking to people online. That all changed, though, because I could no longer afford the time to just go out to the local bar and meet someone who would meet my standards. I may sound snobby and picky, but I believe our romantic life is one area where we’re expected to act that way, where we should act that way. I was always quite old-school, I wanted proper courtship and romance. Dating sites and apps seemed to run counter to everything I believed in. Everything changed when I actually installed a dating app on my phone. The whole thing was easy, very easy! I started meeting up with people left and right. I made quite a few friends and started some relationships I never thought I could before.

     While we all want that whirlwind romance as soon as we lay eyes on someone, that’s not a realistic expectation. Mobile and internet dating platforms let us choose people we want to talk to. It’s easy to get a feel about a person by reading their profile, pics they choose to upload and what they leave out. Spending time in bars or clubbing seems like such a waste of time, now. I’d rather be at my computer or with my phone talking to some fascinating people, even if they lived half a world away. Now, I can go out on as many dates as I choose, with whomever I choose. I don’t go out on as many dates as it may sound, but practice makes perfect, and if you want to meet the right partner, why not go out there and meet as many people as you can.

     Of course, I had some negative experiences. But I believe the principle itself is sound and we shouldn’t be deterred from using it by a few bad apples. While I had some less-than- stellar relationships, some turned into beautiful friendships. It turned out pretty great, if you ask me!

     I’d like to share a really negative experience from my adventures in online dating. When I was in my mid-20s, I started chatting with this really witty and charming guy. We had a lot of similar interests he said he was my age. He said he was a computer programmer and that he loved sports. Well, we had a few conversations, online sparks flew, so we decided to meet up… he looked like a man in his fifties, all he said about himself was a lie.


     Not everyone tells the truth, but that’s true for “offline” dating, as well. You never know when, where or how you’re going to meet a person who is perfect for you. I met my future husband through an online dating site. We’ve been together for over four years and are due to get tie the knot this fall. Happy endings are possible, no matter how you meet your soulmate. Without all the experiences I’ve gone through online and in real life, I wouldn’t be the person I am now! There’s always more to it than meets the eye. Don’t hesitate to try new things; for me, it was online dating; for you, it might be something else. Whatever it is, go for it.